Microsoft Live Support Pages referring users to My Docs Online for Web Folder help

Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...
Image via CrunchBase

We’ve been getting a lot of non-customer type support calls and emails from people with Web Folders questions.  Since we’re naturally curious  we did a bit of research on the source of these calls and found that Microsoft is actually referring Web Folder WebDAV questions to us through certain pages on their support website.

This page for example is a Microsoft Office Live support page titled “Use your own design software to create your Web site”.  If you go to the page and scroll about half way down you’ll see a special message to Mac users:

“If you use the Mac OS X operating system, you can also create a Web folder as a network connection. The location associated with this connection is your domain (for example, For more information about how to create a network connection, see Web Folders/WebDAV Support.”

Just in case you didn’t click on the link, it takes you directly to the My Docs Online Web Folders / WebDAV page.  Wow – So basically if you’re trying to use a Mac the help they have for you is to go to My Docs Online.

Well, we’re glad they’re referring people to our site and hope those people find the instructions for setting up and using Web Folders and WebDAV useful.  Thanks to Microsoft for this vote of confidence.

Status after site update

All systems are go and running fine. However, we do have a few people who are unable to reach the site because of DNS problems. The result of a DNS problem would be a Page Not Found error in your Internet browser when trying to reach My Docs Online. Normally DNS changes take place in DNS servers around the world within about 60 seconds, but some don’t update as quickly as others. (more…)

Planned Outage for this Coming Saturday July 4th

A typical server "rack", commonly se...
Image via Wikipedia
An outage is scheduled for Saturday, July 4th beginning at 10 am U.S. Eastern Time (1400 UT). Service interruptions may occur intermittently from 10:00 am until the upgrade is completed.
The outage is for a hardware upgrade.
We’ll keep the blog updated throughout the outage so please check back for more information. We’ll also have the phone lines open so feel free to call with any questions at 239-495-1181.

Mac OS X Java Update Causing Problems with Java Web Start?

Image representing Apple as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

The most recent Java auto-update through OS X (Leopard) is causing some problems with Java Web Start, the program used to launch the MDO Transporter program. If you’ve gone through the update and your Java Web Start is no longer available it means that the update wasn’t completely successful.

A symptom of this is trying to launch a Java Web Start Application (Transporter for My Docs users) and having it open something that looks like a text file.

Fortunately there is a fairly simple solution to the problem. You can manually re-install the Java Update from this Apple location.
Let us know through the comments here if this doesn’t work for you.