Image by TallCJ via Flickr
We’re pleased to introduce a new feature for our multi-user accounts that logs account activity and generates a daily report for the account administrator.
If you’ve ever wondered “when was this file uploaded” or “who deleted that folder” this new feature could be for you.
Each My Docs Online interface (browser, web folders, Transporter, etc) is now able to log key events like file upload/download/deletion, folder creation/deletion and many other events. Included in each log entry are time and date, login ID, and the IP address of the user.
We deliver the reports to account administrators by creating a “comma separated values” (CSV) file at about midnight for that day’s activity, with the file generated and deposited in a special folder named “LogsActivity”.
Using CSV files means each day’s report can be downloaded to Excel for data manipulation like sorting or searching.
Currently, this feature has to be configured by My Docs Online Support Staff, so if you are interested in using it contact [email protected] and include your administrator ID, and we will turn the feature on for you.