Amazon Store for Transcription Equipment
We spend a great deal of time on the telephone with trial users who will be using our Transcription Edition to move large voice files. Many of those users have physician clients who are new to digital transcription and need advice on what equipment to purchase. We’re often asked for specific advice on what digital recorders these clients can buy so in an effort to provide a continuously updated answer to that question we’ve created an Amazon store for the equipment that My Docs Online and its users recommend.
You can access the My Docs Online Transcription store here. When you buy through the store your order will be processed and fulfilled by We will earn a small commission on items sold through the store. If you don’t want to purchase through Amazon, just note the specific model number and go to your local office supply store. You should be able to buy the equipment there as well.
The My Docs Online service will work with any digital recorder, but not all digital recorders include the software to move the voice files from the device to the computer. When purchasing a new digital recorder just make sure it comes with that software. Our recommendations do come with all necessary software.
If you’re a transcriptionist trying to move a physician from tape to digital you might also be interested in a report we wrote last year on the subject. That report can be downloaded for free here.