The dawn of the information and technology age saw a tidal shift in the way physicians, CPA’s, and a number of other professionals operated their businesses: almost overnight the unimaginable (file sharing / high-speed web-folder storage etc) became an everyday thing as masses of paper was reduced to tiny digital devices. As a direct result once epic logistical problems were bypassed, manipulated, or entirely erased. The effect was enormous: Life became easier and more time was found during the working-day to do the things that mattered more: looking after patients / clients, and looking towards the future.
Up until the moment when online storage secured its place in history as one of the most valuable assets of modern times, the organization and time-management aspects of many companies were in dire straits. Here are a number of reasons that the best online storage, as provided by My Docs Online, should be top priority for you and your business:
Incredibly, hundreds, if not thousands of businesses across the world still fall in to the trap of not backing-up their records using web-folder storage. In the event of a fire or other incident the effects of not backing-up (to an off-site server) can be disastrous, regardless of the scale in question: while a small business, such as an accounting firm, may loose years worth of important data, natural disasters can easily wipe out the medical records of entire countries in one fell swoop. That’s why every professional needs to take advantage of services like My Docs Online to achieve excellent security: quite simply, it’s instant peace of mind for both the business and the client. Not only that but after a disaster, resurrecting a business’s records takes no time at all, meaning that clients, work-flow, and reputation is completely unaffected.
High-Speed Sharing
Viruses have millions of years of progress on human-beings: something which will always be the case. Equally, money and commerce is expanding at such a rate that entire economies can hinge on the careful distribution and analysis of money. Because of this, a physician or CPA needs access to information fast. And not only fast, but instantly. Anything less can mean the difference between an ideal resolution and, in some cases, an outcome concerning life and death.
The very best online file storage allows professionals to not only share financial records and patient information, but send and receive X-Rays, ultra-sound images, and various other scans which require consultation from doctors all over the world. For a CPA, Attorney, or those working with sensitive data, time is obviously also of the essence. By taking advantage of online file storage service, knowledge can be quickly obtained and collated from an infinite pool of sources, then translated (in to the desired language) using online services and compiled in a matter of minutes.
Faster Diagnosis / Damage Limitation
The Physician’s worst nightmare is, undoubtedly, the mysterious patient who is deteriorating rapidly, seemingly unresponsive to every kind of treatment. The best online storage, as My Docs knows from experience, is that which enables a speedy and accurate diagnosis to be found. In the past a physician had to rely solely upon his gut-instinct, but nowadays he / she may call upon a number of resources. Every single day, complex medical cases which would once have resulted in death are now solved in record time, thanks to online storage and the sharing of information which was once recorded only on hard to transport paper. Similarly, the CPA’s job has been made substantially easier: cases which may have resulted in court action or massive expense (due to a lack of paper-work, confusion regarding figures, or slow collection of data) are regularly put to rights.