With so many file-hosting web-sites now available to assist companies in the day to day saving and sending of information, and the majority sharing strikingly similar attributes, it would be understandable for a company to think that there is little to choose between them. As well as offering a quality service for a surprisingly affordable price, these shared attributes are usually as follows: speed, easy-usability, the capacity to store large files which may then be accessed from anywhere in the world at any time, and a customer support service.
Notice how ‘customer support service’ came last? Well, sadly that was no accident. Many file-hosting companies place customer-service low down on their list of priorities. Yes, they can handle every other aspect of your business, but what good is that when it’s the end of the day and something goes wrong?
Why Live Support Is Essential
Customer service is actually the most vital part of a file-hosting business – the link in the chain which you need to be sure is working perfectly before signing up to a long-term contract. It’s the difference between acquiring more clients (and maintaining a strong reputation) and being known as a firm who couldn’t care less. My Docs Online knows this only too well, offering the kind of customer care that is largely all but forgotten.
While some file-hosting services are only available online, making communication slow and sometimes confusing, My Docs prides itself on being a voice at the end of the line. Not everyone understands complex computer jargon, and we recognize that. Which is why we pride ourselves on talking you through any problems that may arise, enabling things to run that much more smoothly
Economically Viable
Many businesses become disenchanted with their customer service, and for good reason. Upon signing up and discovering that the service is not as they expected, they are forced in to an awkward and unexpected situation: to stick with it or spend extra money on external support? Both are costly, counter-productive, and nine out of ten times a headache.
By choosing My Docs Online, you’ll never experience that problem. The result will be money saved and less stress.
Round The Clock, All The Time
We all know this frustration: 4:45p.m. and the business world is, at least on the surface, winding down. But there’s a problem and it’s not small…No…In fact, it’s a problem you’ve never seen before. A problem which does not look likely to go away soon…
My Docs shares the general consumer view: that a file-hosting service, one which is critical to a business’s proper functioning, no less, should be available to help whenever you need us. Not only that, it should be available wherever you are in the world.
Future Problems Eradicated
Good customer service is more than just solving problems in the present. Equally, it’s about making sure that all problems are recorded, so that any future issues can benefit from a sound knowledgebase. A business choosing My Docs has this and all of the aforementioned elements covered. Not only that, but there is also an expansive FAQ database containing answers to many of the less complicated issues that crop up repeatedly.