Integrated Online Document Storage for EMS
The Estate Management Systems by SEM Applications, Inc. includes an optional, seamless integration with MYDOCSONLINE Secure Online File Sharing and Cloud Storage, an option that supports greater storage capacities along with both powerful and secure features.
Getting started with MYDOCSONLINE and linking with EMS needs just a few simple steps:
- Set up a free 15 day trial. All trials start as a 3 User/5 GB account. Your final configuration can be adjusted at Activation. There are no contracts, setup fees or cancellation fees.
- Email or call us to let us know it’s an EMS-related account and we’ll enable EMS integration.
- Return to EMS and provide them with your new account login credentials to complete the process.
Let’s get started! And remember, you can call us for help anytime.
Step 1: Start Trial
Use our Free Trial form to set up your account. You’ll need to provide an email address, a preferred password, and a Group Name (usually your company name). You will return to our site after you’ve set up your trial.
Step 2: Email Support to Enable EMS
Email My Docs Online Support. Please include your new MYDOCSONLINE login ID when requesting EMS integration.
Step 3: Return to EMS to Complete Integration
Now that you have your MYDOCSONLINE Login ID, password, and a Group Name contact EMS to link your MDO credentials to your EMS account to complete the integration process. After this step is complete you may return to our site to begin setting up User IDs and permissions. We suggest that you contact our Support Team to provide help or advice on how to quickly migrate your business folders and files into your new account.
My Docs Online can prepare and deliver a Business Associate Agreement specifying data safeguards as requested, including during the Trial Period.
Contact Us: 239.495.1181 or email [email protected]