The Desktop App

Upload. Download. Share or Edit Files Online fast and easy using our free Java tool. It’s your go to tool to get your work done with no file size limitations.

Desktop App Online Editing

Online editing of ANY file type makes the Desktop App one tool you can use with every application. Try it with excel spreadsheets, QuickBook data files, Office files and more. Cloud editing is so easy even the novice User needs no training to get started.

Desktop App File Locking

The Desktop App file locking really works. No more business worries about loosing data while updating files in the Cloud. Our “Lock and Open” feature prevents other authorized Users from updating the file you’re working on. When you’re done then close the file and “Save and Unlock” and your changed file is available to either View, Download, Share or Edit again by another User.

Desktop App Security

The Desktop App keeps files and folders securely encrypted during transfers. The DTA compresses and encrypts files quickly and securely no matter what the file type is. All accounts are featured with encryption at rest. Our Desktop App secure file sharing offers an additional security option with password protection for your file shares. Only recipients who receive the secure file link must have the password key to access the documents shared.


Download the Desktop App now and begin using it immediately. For security purposes the Desktop App supports current versions of Java.  If you can login and view your account and files, your Java is current. If you experience any problems, you can learn more and find instructions to update your Java at MDO Java FAQ . Please contact [email protected] with any questions.  Thank you for helping us keep you and your files secure.